
Basics of Multiplayer with EOS

The Epic Online Services (EOS) SDK provides two different services that you can use for multiplayer matchmaking:

  1. Lobbies : Lobbies provide a persistent connection between users for the purpose of sharing game and user state with real-time updates. Typically, users can create or join lobbies to form teams, select pre-game options, and wait for additional players to join in before playing together. Using the Lobby Interface, your users can create, join, leave, and manage lobbies.

  2. Sessions : Epic Online Services (EOS) gives players the ability to host, find, and interact with online gaming sessions through the Sessions Interface. A session can be short, like filling a certain number of player slots before starting a game, then disbanding after the game ends, or it could be longer, like keeping track of a game that cycles through matches on multiple maps or levels. The Sessions Interface also manages game-specific data that supports the back-end service searching and matchmaking functionality.


If your game uses dedicated servers, you must use sessions. Dedicated servers cannot use lobbies.

Difference between Lobbies and Sessions

Player Connection


  • Players have a persistent connection to the lobby with WebSocket, and hence don't need to send an HTTP request each time they query or update information.


  • Players do not have a persistent connection. Each call your game makes, such as when your game registers a new player to the session, requires a new request.
  • Your game must push session updates to the EOS session service manually and keep each player's remote view of the session up to date.

Player Registration


  • Automatically registers players when they join the lobby and unregisters players when they leave the lobby.


  • Your game must register players when they join the session and unregister players when they leave the session.
  • This keeps the player count accurate for the session and prevents other players from trying to join the session if it is already at the maximum player capacity.

Built-in Features


  • Voice chat integration.
  • Host migration: the owner can transfer ownership when they leave or if their connection drops.
  • The owner can remove (kick) players from the lobby.

Sessions: None.

Shared Features

Lobbies and sessions share these features:

  • Fixed attributes and user attributes that you can populate to best suit your game's needs.
  • Players can search for a lobby or session by the fixed attributes and user attributes that you've marked as public.
  • Players already in the lobby or session can invite other players to join them.
  • Players can join the presence lobby or presence session that a friend is in.
  • Players can join multiple lobbies and sessions at the same time.