Player Information
Title Storage

Title Storage

Title storage is a system that allows you to store data for a specific title and access it later from any device where the title is installed. This system is useful for storing title settings, configurations, and things like patches etc.

Upload Title Data

Updating or adding title data cannot be done directly from the game. You will have to use the EOS Developer Portal (opens in a new tab) to upload the title data.

  1. Go to the EOS Developer Portal (opens in a new tab) and log in with your Epic Games account.

  2. Click on the Title Storage tab on the left side of the screen, under the Game Services section.

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  1. Click on the + New Title Data button to create a new title data entry. Now, it will ask you to provide a Encryption Key which you can generate using a website like (opens in a new tab).

  2. After providing the Encryption Key, you can now upload the data you want to store for the title.

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Retrieve Title Data

To retrieve title data, you can use the Get EIK Title Storage action. Let's see how we can retrieve the title data we stored earlier:

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