
Friends with EOS Integration Kit

Not everyone has a ton of friends, but with EIK, you can make sure the ones you do have never miss a game! (Thanks to AI for the joke, now you decide if they are funny or not)


According to Epic's documentation (opens in a new tab), please note that functions will only return friends who have played the game at least once and have given their consent. Consent is either give upon game purchase or when a player signs in to an application using Epic Account Services (EAS) and allows EAS access to their account data.

Getting Friend List

To get the list of friends, you need to call the following function:

picture 0

This will load, and return the list of friends along with their presence status. Also, Epic doesn't have avatar support at the moment, unlike Steam.

Invite Friends to Lobby/Sessions

To invite friends to a lobby or session, you need to call the following function:

picture 1

SessionName is the name of the session you set when you created the lobby or session.

Listen and Accept/Reject Lobby Invites

Overlay Lobby Invite Accepted

If you accept the lobby invite through the overlay, you need to bind the following delegate:

picture 9

Listen to Lobby Invite Events

To listen to Lobby invite events, you need to bind the following delegate which you can do when the game starts:

picture 2

Accept Lobby Invite

You can accept the Lobby invite by calling the following function:

picture 3

Reject Lobby Invite

You can reject the Lobby invite by calling the following function:

picture 4

Friend List Update

Send Friend Request

To add friends, you need to call the following function:

picture 5

Accept Friend Request

To accept friend requests, you need to call the following function:

picture 6

Reject Friend Request

To reject friend requests, you need to call the following function:

picture 7

Query Friend List and Friend Requests

To query the friend list and friend requests, you need to call the following function:

picture 8

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