Beacons/Ping Sessions

Beacons with EOS Intergration Kit

EIK provides a way to integrate beacons into your game.

Beacon Configuration

DefaultEngine.ini Configuration

Add the following configuration to your DefaultEngine.ini file to enable beacons in your game.



So, EIK V4.5 introduces a node to ping sessions and Ip. This is useful for checking if a session is still active or how good the connection is.

Server Setup

To host a beacon, you need to create a Init Ping Beacon node. This node will create a beacon that will listen for pings from clients. We usually suggest to do it in the Begin Play event of the game mode.

picture 0

Client Setup

To ping a server, you either need to know the session info or the IP of the server. You can use the Calculate Ping For Session node to ping a session or the Calculate Ping For Ip node to ping an IP.

picture 1

That is all you need to know to use beacons with EIK. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the Discord (opens in a new tab) server.

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